Important News for Patients and Families with Sarcoma - Felasfa M. Wodajo, M.D.

Virginia Cancer Specialists Practice Blog

August 21, 2017
Virginia Cancer Specialists » VCS Practice News » Treatments and Services » VCS Practice News » The Sarcoma Center » Important News for Patients and Families with Sarcoma – Felasfa M. Wodajo, M.D.

New Medical Therapies for Sarcoma – Fall 2017 Update

After many years without a new FDA-approved drug for sarcoma, the Agency recently approved Olaratumab. This is exciting news as it is the first drug approved in over 20 years dedicated to treatment of sarcomas.

Olaratumab is a monoclonal antibody that blocks the effect of platelet derived growth factor on cancer cells. In combination with doxorubicin, a standard chemotherapy used in sarcoma, Olaratumab is demonstrating unprecedented activity. It is likely to replace more toxic chemotherapy combinations used in advanced stages of sarcoma.

(Image: The VCS in-house pharmacy. Part of our 360° of care approach, the pharmacy works to prepare cutting edge clinical trial medications.)

Virginia Cancer Specialists (VCS) is proud to have been one of the largest accruers in the United States for the Phase III study to get full approval of the drug. In addition to this drug, VCS has several other clinical studies for both soft tissue and bone sarcomas. For more information on our ongoing drug trials, please visit our website.

If you need to make an appointment to be seen by one of our sarcoma specialists, call (703) 280-3155

Sarcoma Basics

Did you know that sarcomas represent about 1% of all malignancies?  For this reason, they are rarely suspected and often misdiagnosed. Sarcomas can occur in bones or soft tissues. It is important that patients with suspected or known sarcomas be referred immediately to specialists with experience in diagnosing and treating these tumors.

More info on the Sarcoma Center Here

View the Latest Fall 2017 Quarterly Mailer below:

Felasfa M Wodajo, MD

Felasfa Wodajo, MD
Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery
Virginia Cancer Specialists

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