Join our oncology social workers for an informational and supportive meeting
When a loved one is living with cancer, the role of a caregiver can be both challenging and rewarding. Caregivers are invited to join us for four online sessions on how to manage the emotional and physical demands of being a caregiver. We will provide practical information on ways to support loved ones while practicing self-care. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences with one another to gain insight and support in the role of caregiver.
Topics Include:
Session 1: Introduction and Overview of Caregiving
Session 2: Caregiver Self-care
Session 3: Communication
Session 4: Caregiver Resources
Virtual Zoom Meeting – Invitation will be sent via email.
Sessions September-December 2020:
3rd Wednesday of each month for one hour beginning at 3pm
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
Will we see you there?
RSVP by the Monday prior to the meeting to: