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MMRC MyDrug Clinical Trial - Myeloma-Developing Regimens Using Genomics

Virginia Cancer Specialists Practice Blog

June 26, 2019
Virginia Cancer Specialists » VCS Practice News » Clinical Trials and Research » VCS Practice News » Clinical Trials Search » MMRC MyDrug Clinical Trial – Myeloma-Developing Regimens Using Genomics

The MMRC MyDRUG trial represents the pinnacle of precision medicine in myeloma. It is the culmination of MMRF precision medicine efforts dating back to 2004, when the MMRF formed the first tissue bank in myeloma to provide this resource to researchers. MMRF was the first to sequence the myeloma genome; this resulted in the discovery of the first actionable mutations in myeloma. Our observational, longitudinal CoMMpass Study was launched to confirm those actionable mutations and discover more of them; as a result of these efforts, 12 myeloma genomic subtypes have been identified so far.

MyDRUG is the first platform trial in myeloma and it grew out of the actionable mutations found in CoMMpass. MMRF has spearheaded this effort from investment ($12M), to pharma partner recruitment, to clinical center identification and start-up. The team includes 6 pharma partners, and 17 MMRC academic centers. Patients will undergo genomic screening for actionable mutations, and will be treated with an oral standard of care regimen (Ninlaro, Pomalyst, and dex) plus the appropriate targeted agent. The targeted agents include therapies that are approved for use in other cancer indications, and are only available to myeloma patients enrolled in this trial. Patients with no actionable alterations will be treated with the standard of care plus an immunotherapeutic agent. Arms may be added to the trial as new targeted agents become available, or removed if the agents are found to be ineffective.

To learn more about this Clinical Trial – visit the Trial Link at Virginia Cancer Specialists Here

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